VoorBeelden | Museum Beelden aan Zee | Beeldhouwkunst in Den Haag


1 June - 6 September 2020


Collection Lampe & Plompen

In 2019, museum Beelden aan Zee received a gift from the collection of the collectors Anno Lampe and Lex Plompen. Lampe and Plompen surround themselves with art works in their beautiful house, which doesn’t feel like a museum gallery, but in stead feels like a wonderful, living universe of art works. They do not want to store their works in a depot, so sometimes Lampe and Plompen donate some of their works to a museum. In this way, the general audience can feast their eyes on the personal choice of the collectors. In this cabinet, works are shown by the artists Klaas Kloosterboer, Herman Makkink, Esther Jiskoot, Arie Berkulin and Adam Colton.