Previous exhibitions | Page 5 | Beelden aan Zee

Past exhibitions

Past exhibitions

2 March - 13 May 2018

Woody van Amen

Time Capsules
June 2018

Guus Hellegers

The medal: an endless experiment
12 january 2018 - 18 february 2018

Jan Spiering

Still and Steady
Monkey with Ivory ball on his head and his index finger in front of his mouth
1 December 2017 - 18 February 2018

Les Deux Garçons

3 November 2017 - 4 February 2018

Tirzo Martha

No Excuses!
2 november 2017 - 7 januari 2018

Norva Sling

Shapes of Love
11 march 2017 - 8 september 2017

Wilfried Put

Sculptor / medal maker
12 October - 29 October

Monumental pieces from the Beelden aan Zee collection


Absent Paragraph
1 July 2017 - 8 October 2017

Zhang Dali

Body and Soul
12 May 2017 - 27 August 2017

Nero/Alessandro Neretti

Life is a burning tire
18 March 2017 - 25 June 2017

Auke de Vries

